Dear Member,

As you know this year’s LPRA AGM will take place on Tuesday 24th May 2016 at The Innovation Farm, UK (CM22 7QU) between 14:00 and 16:00 *


Please click on the links below to access the following documents: Each LPRA member company are permitted one vote on each of the 6 Resolutions:


1: LPRA Chairman’s / Director's Report 2015-2016 PDF HERE

2: LPRA Accounts for the year ending 31 December 2015 PDF HERE

3: Proxy voting form PDF HERE

4: Voting form for those NOT attending the AGM meeting in person PDF HERE

5: LPRA Council & Director Candidate CVs 2016-2017 PDF HERE


Please complete the relevant form and return it by Email to phil@business-synergies.co.uk by close of business on the 20th May 2016 (only if you are unable to attend the meeting in person -those attending the AGM will be given voting forms on the day). *

* In previous years Members have preferred to cast their votes by Email or proxy, however, Members are of course fully entitled and very welcome to attend the meeting in person. The planned venue has limited space so we may need to book a larger venue dependant on numbers, if you would like to attend in person please let the Secretariat know by close of business Wednesday 4th May 2016.


The following is a brief summary of the basis and operation of the LPRA Council: 

  1. If a Director or their supporting Company ceases to be a fully paid up member of the LPRA that Director is required to resign in line with the LPRA Articles of Association.
  2. At the AGM, one third of the Directors, in rotation, are required to resign their Directorships but are allowed to seek re-election as long as they/their Company remain fully paid up members.
  3. At the AGM each member is granted one vote for or against the reappointment of each resigning Director who has put their name forward for re-election. 
  4. The Directors of the LPRA delegate the day-to-day running of the Association to a Council consisting of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 members, elected at the AGM by the Association members.
  5. In preparation for the AGM, the Directors seek nominations for candidates for election to the LPRA Council from fully paid up members.
  6. At the AGM, each LPRA member is granted one vote for or against each candidate.  The secretariat counts the votes and publishes the names of the successful candidates.  Votes can be cast either in person at the AGM or by mail/email, to be received by the secretariat by close of business on the day before the AGM, using the designated form in line with the LPRA Articles of Association.
  7. The members of the LPRA Council elect from their number a Chairman and a Vice Chairman to run the Council meetings.
  8. The Board of Directors at their discretion may offer Directorships to any eligible Council members in line with the LPRA Articles of Association and the UK Companies Act 2006.

Please do not hesitate to contact The Secretariat if you have any questions about the AGM.