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Nedap was established in 1929, has been listed on the stock exchange since 1947 and, with more than 700 employees, Nedap is active around the world.

Nedap is a manufacturer of intelligent technological solutions for relevant themes. Sufficient food for a growing population, clean drinking water throughout the world, smart networks for sustainable energy are just a couple of examples of themes Nedap is working on.

Nedap creates added value with products that solve relevant problems. That is why we talk about technology that matters. The key focus in this is not the technology, but the way in which it is used on a day-to-day basis. The distinctive aspect of the solutions of Nedap is that new technologies are processed in a creative and innovative way into elegant, user-friendly products.

In addition to detailed knowledge of technological developments, Nedap also has a deep insight into various market segments. Nedap has different business units, so called market groups, each of which focuses on its own market. Each market group is responsible not just for the development of its products, but also for their marketing and sales. 

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