*** 20th October 2015  *** The LPRA has now forwarded our official response to this consultation to the TRA (a copy is available on request -  members only) *** We will of course keep Members up to date with all developments *** thanks to all those who contributed ***


Dear Member


Re: TRA Public Consultation on Spectrum Regulations


The TRA are inviting all stakeholders to submit their responses in writing to the TRA on or before the response date, which is 20th October 2015 in order to avoid overlapping with the upcoming World radio communication Conference (WRC-15). 


The LPRA would encourage you to respond directly, however, if you prefer you can submit your comments (by Close of business of Friday 16th October 2015) to the LPRA Secretariat who will collate the feedback and incorporate them in the LPRA’s official response to the consultation. 


The TRA has published the Public Consultation documents online at


The documents posted for public consultation are :


Consultation Document SRD Regulations

Consultation Document PMR Regulations

Consultation Document Fixed Service Regulations

Consultation Document ES Regulations