Hager Electro SAS

Hager Electro SAS
132 Boulevard de l’Europe
67215 OBERNAI  France
WWW: www.hagergroup.fr
Phone: +33 (0)388 028 704
Fax: +33 (0)388 018 831
Contact: Philippe Magneron , Corporate Radio Frequency Stan philippe.magneron@hagergroup.com


Hager Group is a worldwide leader company providing all needed equipments and services to realise global electrical installations in residential and commercial building market segments. The product offer includes wiring accessories up to electrical meter boards.

Within Hager Group, Hager Controls provides products and services to increase comfort, safety and energy management in all kind of buildings. Founding member and leading influencer of Konnex Association, Hager Controls provides KNX installation systems for more than 15 years. The company offers a full range of KNX RF devices for the control of lighting, shutters, blinds and heating. Alarm systems for intrusion security and smoke detectors are also part of Hager expertise.

