LPRA Council Delegation to Meet With FCC 5th September 2014

Following on from the resounding success of our meetings in January this year with the TRA (Telecommunications Regulatory Authority) in Dubai, a three person Council Member delegation from the LPRA will be meeting with Julius Knapp and other senior officers from the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) for a day of discussions on 5th September 2014.

Julius P. Knapp II has been the Chief of the FCC’s Office of Engineering Technology (OET) since 2006. Members will remember Mr Knapp as a key speaker at previous Radio Solution conferences.

The LPRA Council have submitted a final agenda to Mr Knapp (please see below), minutes of the meeting will be availabel soon - members who asked specific questions will be notified of the response as soon as possible : Any further questions about the meeting etc. please Email the LPRA Secretariat on this LINK


Re: Meeting with Julius Knapp and FCC Colleagues

Friday 5th September 2014 

Venue: FCC HQ Washington 


a)     White Space – how has it been managed in the US, has it been successful and have there been any issues? We suspect it is more successful in rural areas is this a correct assumption? In the UK concerns have been expressed over cyber attacks on data bases that hold the frequency / power allocation tables. We have been told if this happens the strategy is to shut down – is this correct? Concerns have also been expressed over the lack of dynamic adjustment to cater for atmospheric conditions that can lead to “lift” and “tunnelling” of signals?  


b)    After White Space what is the next big thing on the horizon that we should be aware of? This includes anything to do with communications, RFID, Medical, RF sensing, etc. U.S. proposal for a Citizen’s Broadband Service at 3.5 GHz (small cells);  unlicensed/SRD’s  at 5 GHz; and dynamic spectrum access. SRD 5 GHz is a big step. It opens up a currently heavily constrained and channeled /owned by ITS application. So many current applications obliged to register for active licences SRD or make do will find new market. We would like to see a lot more specificity on the proposal please, but excited.


c)     Many of our members either compete with or use the cell phone networks. However, in Europe we are seeing a growing trend from the cellular industry to focus on increasing data rates with 4G and 5G and hear warnings over the closure of 2G and 3G.This migration and uncertainly has lead to a general loss of confidence over investment in M2M as many industry sectors require a 10-year guarantee of availability. Our members would appreciate an insight into the US road map for the cellular industry in particular transition points between each of the technologies as the trend is that Europe and the rest of the world follow closely behind.


d)    Ultra Wide Band – this technology has been mentioned for over a decade. Where are we as we have seen very little activity in Europe?


e)     Members have often asked if the US will introduce EMC immunity testing alongside the other requirements for FCC Part-15. Are their any plans to do so that we should be aware of?


f)     We have received a request from several members to clarify the procedure for working under FCC-part 90. We have a Council Member, Brian Back, who is happy to write/compile a guideline for Members but would appreciate some assistance / guidance and a point of contact. The Part 90 applications that our members will be looking at will be the telemetry, telecommand, data networking and remote control.


g)    In Europe we have seen significant re-allocation of spectrum as a result of the “digital dividend”. What is happening in the US? Is there a migration to digital for TV and Radio broadcast? If so is this likely to free up any spectrum for licence free applications? Members for example feel it would be beneficial to have some VHF licence free spectrum as this permits the deployment of ultra low power remote monitoring stations to help tackle the issues such as groundwater monitoring and pollution. Ideally something like 500mW Narrow band FM at < 1% duty is suggested in line with Europe and parts of the Middle East.


h)     Are there any plans for the FCC to formally drive global harmonisation of spectrum through the ITU or similar? Europe has recently started to adopt 915MHz. Could the US adopt 868MHz or 434MHz FM for example?


i)      Members have highlighted an anomaly in the RFID allocations at 13.56MHz where the power levels permitted are lower in the US than most other regions in the World. Is there any specific reason why this situation exists and if not is there any particular reason why this level could not be aligned?


j)      Enforcement – in Europe enforcement is complaint driven – what is the policy in the US. What is the level of market surveillance, etc.?


k)     The IOT Internet of Things is a big buzz word from the likes of Microsoft – where does the FCC see the IOT sitting – domestic or commercial sectors and what spectrum if anything is allocated or recommended for the IOT?

LPRA Council Members Attending the meeting:

Dr Saad Mezzour : Philippe Magneron :  Brian Back